Everyone: I apologize for not working on the site. I am working on a new site: www.everyfan.com. I just started it, so it'll probably be awhile before it's up and running. But it'll definitely be better! Thanks for your patience.


Stop! Fan Hysteria

Fans, do you care about the safety of other fans and the team, athlete, band or celebrity you admire? As fans, whether you are a sports fan or a music fan or a movie fan, I urge you to put one of the banners below on your fan site. By doing so you will be supporting the "Stop! Fan Hysteria" campaign. This campaign is designed to do just that: stop the fanatical hysteria that occurs at entertainment and sporting events and in general.

What is meant by fanatical hysteria? Any behavior that has the potential to cause injury or death. This includes:

Fans have been injured and/or have died as a result of the behavior mentioned above. By placing a banner on your site and linking it back here, you are saying you will not engage in such behavior and you support awareness of this issue.

I'm NOT saying don't have fun. Sure, have fun, get crazy, get excited, get loud, get in the mosh pit, whatever....just don't get DANGEROUS!

Go to Hillsborough Tragedy to read about an account of the 1989 soccer tragedy.

On January 3, 1999 fans engaged in rowdy and vulgar behavior by fighting and throwing objects at people and the b-ball court at the Maryland-Duke college basketball game in College Park, Maryland. A few individuals were arrested.

On January 8, 1999 an obsessed stalker fan broke into Brad Pitt's house.

On January 26, 1999 some fans were injured when they rushed into the entrance of the Toronto Skydome for a free preseason basketball game between Toronto and Boston.

On January 31, 1999 after the Denver Broncos won the Super Bowl, the fans in Denver began an evening of destructive behavior, somewhat similar to other post-victory "celebrations" that have occurred.

On February 8, 1999 a man was fined for impersonating Missy Elliott over the phone to radio stations.

On April 22, 1999 rival soccer fans shot each other in Italy.

On April 28, 1999 about 33 fans were arrested for disorderly conduct after the band, Marilyn Manson, cut one of their concerts short.

This past summer during Woodstock '99, concertgoers and fans engaged in all kinds of criminal behavior, from arson to assault. However, the most atrocious incidents were the RAPES that occurred. Visit this site to find out what is being done about it.

Go to news for past incidents of bad fan behavior.

<a href="https://members.tripod.com/~fandom101/campaigns.html">

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Thanks Sara for the banner!

<a href="https://members.tripod.com/~fandom101/campaigns.html">

<img src="https://members.tripod.com/~fandom101/sfh6.jpg"></a>

Thanks Crystal for the banner!

<a href="https://members.tripod.com/~fandom101/campaigns.html">

<img src="https://members.tripod.com/~fandom101/sfh11.htm"></a>

Thanks Jessica for the banner!

To see a list of "Stop! Fan Hysteria" campaign supporters go to the Supporters page.

If you placed or plan to place one of these banners on your site, enter your website/webpage's URL (address) in the space provided and your site will be placed on a Stop! Fan Hysteria supporters list.
Enter website/webpage URL (address):
Enter the name of your website/webpage:

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